Improve your site’s user experience with Citiesagencies

Are you observing higher bounce rates and lower conversion rates on your website? If yes then your website’s user experience might not be good. An online business cannot survive without giving good user experience to their customers. And if your business is one of them then you really need to […]

All you need to know about UX design

In the words of Paul Rand, “Design can be art. Design can be simple. That’s why it is so complicated.” In this world of Internet where millions of websites are fighting to make it to the top, one this is most important to achieve that and that is providing great […]

How to make User experience better on your website

Would you continue a brand if their services have not given a good user experience? Definitely not. No matter which field you work in, your customers and clients expects and deserve a good experience with your services. This experience is not just limited to in-person service or service on mobile […]

What are the factors that can hurt your E-Commerce website

Nobody can deny that they haven’t, at least once in their lifetime, gone to the malls or shopping complexes for window shopping and didn’t actually buy anything. I have, many times. Gone are the days when everybody used to go to the retail stores to purchase groceries or electrical appliances. […]

Everything to know about the Website PITA score

You put so much money into marketing your business online. But when the visitors do arrive at your website, they bounce back. You wonder why? Well, it is very likely that your pita score is high. So, what is a website pita score and how can you control it? This […]