Let Citiesagencies make your website secure

Do you still believe that your website is not prone to hacking because you are a small business? Or if you are running a blog then why somebody would hack your website? Well come out of these wrong notions. According to a survey report, 43 percent of cyber attacks target […]

Make your e-commerce website perfect with Citiesagencies

Have you taken your business online? If yes, then I am assuming that you are new to this e-commerce platform. And you might be looking ways to make your e-commerce website perfect right?   One industry that has benefited so much from this pandemic is the e-commerce industry. Due to […]

Web designing mistakes you need to avoid

Web design is an integral part of every website. And we all are aware of the importance of a great website for a business. A good website means good business. Every web designer is trying to create a perfect web design which benefits the company or organization he is creating […]

5 Myths about bounce rate you need to get rid of now

As a website owner you must be afraid of bounce rate. It has been considered as the key performance indicator in web Analytics and people are always keeping an eye on the bounce rate of their website. Bounce rate is the time taken by the visitor to leave your site. […]

7 Skills every graphic designer must possess

With the web graphic designs evolving and changing every year, it is necessary for the graphic designers to upscale their skills too. So, if you are looking for making a career in graphic designing or you are already working as a graphic designer but want to upgrade yourself with the […]

7 Features of a good domain name for your website

Deciding a domain name is like deciding a child’s name, while child’s name can be common but the domain name must be very unique. With millions of domains already registered on the internet it becomes difficult to create a domain name that’s different. Creating a good domain name is really […]

Common Web design myths you need to get rid of

“Myths which are believed in tend to become true” This is true in the area of web design also. There are many common myths which people have believed in for so long they have taken the shape of truth. So in this article I am going to debunk some common […]

10 ways you can create a high converting landing page

Having a high conversion rate is definitely a sign of success of any business. But does website design affect it any way? Yes it does. Infact conversion rate has often been correlated with the quality of the landing page. Now you must be thinking what is a landing page and […]

How Curvearro helps you improve overall website performance?

One thing is quite clear – if you are a digital marketer, you will definitely have a website. Isn’t it? It doesn’t matter how attractive, eye-catching, and appealing your website looks, if it doesn’t load on time, people will visit other websites. According to Google, a well and healthy website […]