5 Myths about bounce rate you need to get rid of now

As a website owner you must be afraid of bounce rate. It has been considered as the key performance indicator in web Analytics and people are always keeping an eye on the bounce rate of their website. Bounce rate is the time taken by the visitor to leave your site. […]

7 Methods to enhance loading speed of your website

First impression is the last impression. And if the first impression of your website is like a slow walking turtle then it will not be a good thing for your business. One thing that is very important for any business or brand is to have a good looking and fast […]

10 Ways to make a flawless e-learning website

In the recent years, we have witnessed a huge growth in number of e-learning websites. Are you trying to build a successful e-learning website? Then keep reading this blog. We are surrounded with a vast frontier of information; credit goes to cheaper mobile phones and easy access to internet connection. […]

Importance and Components of a Landing Page

“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” A very Cliché statement. But does it hold true in the 21st century? Let’s face it. Everybody judges everything by cover, be it a book, a restaurant or even a person. Human tendency is to make their opinion of something by the first […]

10 ways to reduce bounce rate for your website

Making a website successful is not an easy road. There are many competitors sitting out there waiting for you to make a mistake so they can rise above your level. The scale for measuring the level of your mistake is ‘Bounce Rate’ which is ‘visits in which the person left […]

Ways to increase time spent on website

“Content Is King”- Bill Gates words in 1996. Twenty five years later, in this vast frontier called ‘Internet’ is it still relevant? Well, yes. Over the years internet has seen rapid shifts and changes. Now content is king but it needs an army to remain in the game. The scale […]

How you can Increase Website Traffic by using Colour Psychology?

Psychology is an inevitable part of effective marketing. For a single product, the market is full of innumerable substitute. So, why should people buy from you instead of your competitors? Hence, without appealing to the psychological faculties of your target market, you can’t engage them. And naturally, you then can’t […]

10 Techniques You Must Use To Increase Website Traffic

Expanding site traffic is a difficult errand. It requires a decent comprehension of site innovation, Seo Company Lucknow, and off-page methods to rank higher. Getting individuals to visit your site is much the same as driving a vehicle on a street. On the off chance that the street were to […]