A quick web design and development is an important document that the client must provide current guidance to project a digital agency. It should include the purpose Digital Marketing Company Southampton of the project, the user desired results, the elements that the website should contain in terms of content, the direction of design, functionality requirements, and any specific technical requirements.

Why should you create one?
Take the time to create a web design and development brief ensure that both clients and agencies understand what is needed, and expected results. It should not leave room for second-guessing and assumptions, helps to eliminate errors.

As a client, brief writing a good result is that you will have to consider in detail what you want to achieve from the project and communicated clearly what your expectations to the agency.

Read Also:- For successful online marketing what you need?

what information should be included in the brief?
Here is a breakdown of what we feel should be covered in a short good as a guide:

Overview and requirements
Give a brief description of your business and projects
Describing the current situation with the existing website (if applicable): What works? What could be improved? What elements would you like to maintain?
Explain why the project is needed: Is there a date web site? Your business strategy has changed? Whether users are having trouble navigating through the site?
Trip goals and objectives
Describes the purpose of the website: Do you want to increase brand awareness, increase customer engagement, promote services, generate sales?
usability requirements
Who website targeted at?
Are there any specific characteristics that this audience have?
How they will access the site (mobile, tablet, desktop)?
Is your site might be targeting people with accessibility requirements?
What do you want users to think, feel and do when they get there?
List some sites you like the look and feel of, and examples of certain elements who want to emulate
Explain how you want the site to see
Do you have the brand guidelines to follow?
Functions and technical requirements
The lines of what the user should be able to achieve onsite
Does it need to be managed content sites? What a site manager should be able to do?
Does your site need to integrate with other systems, such as client login area?
types of user interaction, such as what the comments section, there will be a need?
Does your site need to be multilingual?
Your site should have a form and download for users to complete?
Do you own a domain?
Do you need hosting?
Your site must be written in a particular programming language?
Do you have the skills and resources necessary to carry out an audit of the content of the existing website?
Who will be responsible for generating the content (internal or external), or you use existing content?
Do you have a company image, photography or video?
digital marketing
Digital marketing strategies of a website is often overlooked when considering a brief website. Promotion of your website, in terms of increasing visibility in search engines and generate a sense of involvement, is essential to the success of the site.

There are a number of digital marketing activities that you should consider:

Social media marketing
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Pay per click (PPC) advertising
email Marketing
Marketing content – blogs, video content, social media, Infographics
banner ads
affiliate marketing
What is the budget for the design and development of the site?
Is there a budget for the support and maintenance?
Is there a budget for digital marketing? If so, for how long?
These are just a few pointers Digital Marketing Companies Southampton you may want to include in the web design and development brief; I hope they help.

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