All SEO agencies say they can get their clients in ranking position for their keywords on – but what is stopping Digital Marketing Company in Nottingham them from achieving the same thing for their own site?

Here, in the Reboot we decided to do the technical SEO audit of the top digital agencies to discover how good they are in Marketing and SEO industry is in practice what they preach. It is-do they follow SEO best practices on their own site?

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In order to select a list of digital marketing agencies to analyze, we do a search for the term “digital marketing agency” very competitive. We turned this into SEMRush marketing tool and attract top 30 ranked marketing company for a period (essentially, the first 3 pages of Google SERP). Our site itself is also included in this list, so we decided to audit ourselves too!

For each site, we assessed a large number of metrics, including:

speed page
Number of pages indexed
user experience
meta tag
keyword optimization
internal linking
duplicate content
Anchor text linking to the site
Google penalties potential
pages are not properly indexed in Google
Expertise, authoritativeness and Trust (E-A-T) – a signal of confidence
quality backlink
domain authority
We explain what all these metrics mean in our other studies on SEO for Accountant which you can read here.

5 most of the common SEO problems found were:

70% of institutions had a bad page speed the average score given was 41/100
70% of institutions had a bad page speed the average score given was 41/100
70% of institutions had a bad page speed the average score given was 41/100
70% of institutions had a bad page speed the average score given was 41/100
70% of institutions had a bad page speed the average score given was 41/100

Most of the websites analyzed have poor page speed, print only one 41 of the tool Google Page Speed ​​Insights.

Google uses a scale of 90-100 (fast) 50-89 (average) 0-49 (slow) to measure the speed of the page.

As this has been confirmed as a ranking factor (and this is very important given the growth in mobile search), it may be interesting to note that victims of the average speed of the page slowest among digital agencies in fact found to rank on page one.

This may reveal that Google has placed less importance on the page speed as a ranking factor, compared to other metrics like backlink or sound website structure. Page speed optimization should not be overlooked, however, as it may become increasingly important, given the weight that has the user experience on the current rankings.

Reboot own print speed page 84 – only to lose the “fast” rating, but still much higher than the industry average.

internal linking
Problems experienced by the majority of the audited agencies is that of internal linking. Or lack thereof.

63% had neglected to connect internally to other pages on their own site. This not only does not help Google understand the structure and theme of your site, but it can also create problems of internal competition if you are talking about something that is not the focus of the page but do not add the internal link to let Google know you have a more relevant page for that term.

Most of the sites that are not internal links can be found on page 3 of the rankings, but is still seen at institutions ranked in the top 10 positions. Impression Agency, for example, have the perfect opportunity on their content marketing page to link Digital Marketing Companies Nottingham to their landing pages PR, but failed to do so.

The impression is currently ranked at number 10 and therefore can benefit from a solid internal linking strategy.

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