Making a website successful is not an easy road. There are many competitors sitting out there waiting for you to make a mistake so they can rise above your level. The scale for measuring the level of your mistake is ‘Bounce Rate’ which is ‘visits in which the person left your site from the home page.’ In other words how quick he left the site. This article is all about ways to reduce bounce rate. A high bounce rate doesn’t send a good message to the user. So, it should be ensured that the bounce rate of your website at any cost is not overlooked.

Having a low bounce rate can be a little challenging but something worth having doesn’t come easy, right? So, without wasting much time let’s get right into it.

Here are 10 ways you can use to reduce bounce rate for your website.

Ways to reduce bounce rate

Website bounce rate

#1. Loading speed of the website

Who doesn’t want everything quickly in their life, without a doubt everybody. If your website does not load fast then the user will immediately leave the site and will move to the next one.

It will increase the bounce rate of your website and that is not a good thing.

#2. Easy to navigate

It’s necessary that your site should be easy to navigate if it isn’t the user will find hard to figure out things on your website and he or she will leave the site. Website should be made in such a way so that user finds it easy to navigate.

#3. Mobile friendly

Another most important reason of why certain websites have high bounce rate. Having a good desktop website is not good enough to decrease the bounce rate. Website should be mobile friendly as well. A large population can’t afford personal computers or laptops. So it is important to make sure that your website is mobile optimized so that a large chunk of people don’t leave and stay for longer duration on your site. Providing good service on Mobile version site is as much important as providing good web services.

#4. No unnecessary pop-us

How does it feel when you visit a website for some important work and it starts showing unnecessary pop-ups it becomes so irritating to experience that. So it is necessary to make sure that the website doesn’t have loads of irrelevant pop-ups.

#5. No spam links

Sometimes some website contains many spam links which they show as useful but they are not. They might take you on unsafe websites where your system may become vulnerable to hacking.

These spam links should be avoided as they make your website looks like a place for fooling people. People leave these kinds of websites early. Website security should be given importance.

#6. Attractive website design

Something that looks pale and dull definitely will not attract one’s eyes, same is with website designs. Your website needs to look different and attractive to the user’s eyes. It should immediately catch the attention of the user. It should make the user stay longer on the website.

#7. Original Content

If you have copied content on your website that doesn’t look good. People search for original content but if you provide them with duplicate content then that will definitely make the user to leave the site early which will eventually contributes in increasing the bounce rate.

#8. Internal Linking

If you have any important article already existing on your website you can link it to your new article provided it should be relevant. Suppose, you are writing an article on Digital Marketing and you already have an article as ‘What mistakes you need to avoid in digital marketing’ then you can link that article to your new article. It will help the user to gain more knowledge on the same site and so the time spent by the user will increase that will decrease the bounce rate of your website.

Related Article: Ways to increase time spent on website

#9. Concise Information

You don’t need to write long essays on a certain topic nobody has that much time in the world to read 2000 or 3000 words article. You need to make it short, precise and concise. Only the important information should be included. Unnecessary details should be avoided.

#10. Relevant Keywords

Firstly, you need to understand your audience. You need to find out what kind of content they are engaging more in and according to that you should use relevant keywords in your content that will target that audience only. Sometimes people feel duped when they enter a website based on key words but they don’t get anything related to that on the article.


To conclude, I would say lowering the bounce rate is an important step to make your website successful. You need to continuously check your website analytics to figure out where are you going wrong. Accordingly working on the shortcomings is of utmost importance.

Follow above mentioned points in practice and spirit.

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