What do you think is the average time duration people wait for a website to load? If you can’t come up with an answer, let me tell you it is 2 to 3 seconds. And according to some surveys, people don’t even wait for two seconds for website content to pop up. So, does website speed matters? And if so, why does website load speed matter? The answer is Yes! Website speed matters. It affects user experience, search rankings, and even sales and conversions. Therefore, in today’s article, I am going to give some top reasons why you should improve website speed.
Let’s cut to the chase now
Top Reasons You Should Improve your Website Speed

Here are some top reasons why you must improve your website speed. So, without further ado, let’s start.
✅ Speed is the first impression you make
First impressions are really important on the internet. This becomes even more important for websites of online businesses as people expects your website to give them a great user’s experience. Your readers, customers, and website visitors make an instant judgement about you and your business. You will instantly make a good first impression if your website loads fast. It is a quick-win for user experience.
Your new visitor will get immediately happy when they will browse a fast loading website. So, it is necessary for you to make your website professional and reliable. Speed can be related to efficiency, trust, and confidence. A slow website makes people think it is unsafe, untrustworthy, and insecure. Here are Things to Consider before hiring a Web Development Agency
✅ People expect speed
This point is particularly important for small businesses and new startups. Speed is important for them because people can wait for authoritative sites to load because they are well-established. Other than that, these days everybody wants everything very quickly. People are not ready to wait for even few seconds. Same goes with websites. Hence, it becomes important to improve the loading speed of your website. Improve your Small Business Website with Citiesagencies
✅ User experience
User experience and UX design are the two most important things that can set apart your website from competitors. A good UX design involves creating a good user experience for visitors. A good user experience includes giving visitors what they are looking for and giving it to them really fast. Website speed becomes your number one priority when it comes to providing a good user experience. A slow website will give them a poor user experience which will frustrate them.
✅ Slow websites diminish conversions
What is the most important thing for an online business? Conversions. Fast loading websites will always have good conversion rates. Slow loading website, on the other hand, will drive people away, driving your sales away. This happens with even big e-commerce giants like Amazon. After conducting some tests, Amazon found out that they will lose $1.6 billion every year if they slowed down their website by just one second. So, if people won’t wait an extra single second for Amazon, what chance have the rest of us got?
✅ Long-term effects
Slow loading of a website does result in an instant drop-off in traffic. Besides that, it also has some long-term effects. The slow loading speed of your website will gradually stunts your natural growth and word-of-mouth. People will stop referring your site or services to others, established sites will stop linking back to your content, and it might even put your customers off signing up your newsletter. Slow loading speed is generally related to a lack of credibility, which may hurt your business in the long term. Hence, you must work on your website’s loading speed.
✅ Impacts Google rank
Google loves and prefer to index fast loading websites. It is making sure that its users get super speedy, easily accessible, and useful internet experience. Google has admitted in the past that it do take website speed into consideration when ranking websites. Average speed may not see drastic change but if your website is super slow, then you will suffer. “Google will reduce the amount of crawlers it sends to your site if your server is slower than two seconds.” This implies Google may not pick up your content or blog if your site is slower than two seconds. That will hurt your website and eventually your business.
Final thoughts
So we can conclude this post by saying “Speed matters”. Website speed affects user experience, it affects your Google ranking in the search results, and it affects your sales and conversions as well. So, you must gear up your website speed if you don’t want to face any negative situation with all of these important factors of a website.