In the digital world continues to grow, businesses are constantly trying to find new ways to interact with Digital Marketing Company Stafford consumers. One of the most recent trend goes with the marketing name invitational. You guessed it – a form of advertising that actually ‘inviting’ customers to participate. Could this be the answer to irrelevant ads and apathetic customer? Keep reading as we take a closer look …

The state of modern marketing

Evolving technology and multiple digital platforms marketing means constantly changing. Whether it’s on a tablet, phone or desktop – it can all get a bit excessive.

Saturation over-focused marketing company has led the campaign less effective and less valuable. This means that everyday consumers begin to feel apathetic and not likely to buy a product or service when they are faced with them in ads.

What do consumers want?

So, frustrated and fed up with online marketing, what consumers really want in the future?

Expetions are high. People are demanding new approaches to marketing, which put their experience first. They also want to reward them for their engagement.

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With multiple channels, consumers expect a cohesive selection of relevant and personal. A type of marketing that involves customer wants and needs, rather than throwing caution to the wind.

Is the answer invitational marketing?

So, to new forms of marketing really help businesses outside?

By Andy Hart, vice president of Microsoft’s online advertising and Europe, invitational marketing could be the answer. He claimed the three main elements of the future of marketing will include:

seamless experience

near by


This can be achieved by “inviting” and motivate your customers – wherever and whenever they want. They decide how they want to engage with your brand.

To do this, Hart recommends inviting people to respond, interact and participate with the campaign ‘at the moment’. This can be done through the street like notifications, applications and packaging.

Necessary experience interesting and worthwhile enough so that customers feel inspired. It’s not just about a specific offer. It’s about creating a fun and memorable communication.

New possibilities

Invitational Digital Marketing Agencies Stafford opens up new possibilities for the future of advertising. It celebrated its customers, while creating a way that is completely transparent to communicate. Results? More confidence and strong brand loyalty.

The goal is to reach consumers in a more considered way. It creates an experience that rewards customers actually interact with and enjoy. They can establish brand marketing to meet their needs. After all, the customer happy at the business happy.