Website is a very critical part of every online business. Your website represents your business on the internet. Whatever impression your website leaves, it will go on to define the perception around your business. Therefore, it is crucial to be very careful and thoughtful with website development. Hence, today we will help you out on top 10 factors to consider when creating a website.

For any E-commerce entity, its website plays a very serious role. It is your organization’s primary representative and salesperson on the internet. Therefore, how well your website performs greatly determines the success of your overall business.

Creating a Website

Beginning with open source platforms like WordPress to create website for your small startup can be a great idea. However, as the business grows, so does its needs and demands. The growth of a business is signified by its increased size of customer base, operations, and so on. To meet these growing needs, you can’t rely on open source solutions for too long. At a point, proper website development becomes crucial for e-commerce organization.

Before creating a website, it is important to do an extensive research. To ease that a bit for you, we have compiled a list of…

Top 10 Considerations to Make While Creating a Website

1. Having your objective clear

Apparently, having a clear objective before beginning with anything is important. Therefore, it is important to have clear objectives when you are developing a website as well.

Why do you need a website? What to you want your visitors to do? How should they engage with your website? What key message and value should your website reflect? Your objectives will play a major role in determining the course of your website development takes. You should consider all these questions before sitting to develop your website.

2. Finding the best suited CMS

Taking care of backend is essential in developing a useful website. In absence of the right content management system, your website can’t function properly. Therefore, your CMS choice will play a great role in the functionality of your website.

If yours is an E-commerce organization, it is best advised to go for WordPress or Magento. In any case, it is a very crucial decision and hence, you should make sure to research the CMS of your choice thoroughly.

3. Selecting the right domain and host

Now domain and hosting are other fundamental parts of a website. A domain name should ideally be short, precise, catchy, simple, easy to spell, and should reflect your brand’s voice. Therefore, make sure to incorporate all these characteristics in your domain name.

As for website host, you should make sure that your website host can effectively support the requirements of your website. This includes consideration like—how multimedia-rich your website would be? What is the expected traffic? Also consider your future growth plans. All this will help you find the right hosting solution.

4. Web security

Web security is essential for any website. Therefore, it is important to consider all security related questions for your website thoroughly. For one, make sure that your host can provide the level of web security that you expect for your website.

Hence, make it a point to thoroughly review the security features included in your site’s framework and design. You can also sort to web security services for best results.

Related Article: What are the Ways to Keep Your WordPress Site Safe and Secure?

5. Taking care of the visual aspect

Getting onto the visual aspect of a website, there are majorly two things. The images on your website will play a great role in determining how well it can engage the visitors. Hence, incorporate such images that embellish your content and highlight your business’s value.

Moreover, colours also have a great role to play in website development. Thus, make sure you understand the significance and connotations of the colours you use. This will help you find the right colour schemes to communicate your message effectively. Moreover, you will be able to make the desired impact on your customers’ minds.

6. Easy navigation

How easy (or difficult) it is to navigate on a website plays a major role in defining the user experience. Therefore, it is important to make sure that your web design paves way for easy navigation.

Hence, it is important to review the navigation elements on your website thoroughly. They should be clearly visible and accessible. Moreover, make sure that your web design facilitates easy navigation.

7. Website loading and page speed

Quite many E-commerce researches have found that patience of the online shoppers is getting thinner. If your website or webpage takes too long to load, many of your visitors will give up within few seconds and go away.

Therefore, it is important to make sure that your website loading and page speed is fast enough to retain visitors.

8. Mobile friendliness

Mobile friendliness has become an extremely important criterion for current e-commerce websites. Therefore, it is important to make sure that your website works well on mobile.

Is your web design responsive? Does your website load fast enough? Are your images optimized? These are some important questions to consider.

9. Search engine optimization

Optimizing for search engines is crucial for every online business. Therefore, it is important to make sure that your website facilitates search engine optimization.

Thus, you should make sure that your website is friendly with plugins and customizations that are important for effective search engine optimization.

10. Effective Call to Action elements

Call to Action elements are an important part of every website. They help make sure that the visitors can take the desired action on you website.

Hence, it is important to consider the following questions: Are your CTA buttons clearly visible? Is the text written in CTA effective? Are you using the right design? And so on…


Website development is a crucial aspect of e-commerce industry. Therefore, it is important to be careful with your website related decisions. The list mentioned above can help you make the right considerations for your website. Therefore, make sure to consider all these questions when developing a website for your business!