A quick round-up, in no particular order, of some of the websites I always tend to find myself referring back to. A mixed bag of sites that you might find useful or inspiring.


A collection of illustrations he Digital Marketing Agencies Southampton created using mixed media, in his moleskine.



ColourLovers is a resource that monitors and influences color trends. ColourLovers provide people who use color – whether for ad campaigns, product design, or in architectural specification – a place to check out the world of color, compare color palettes, submit news and comments, and read color related articles and interviews.
PingMag is an online design magazine based in Tokyo. Defining the term design as broad as possible, PingMag wrote about ideas and inspiration coming from both world-class designer, and from the small shop on the corner. We saw everything; product design, packaging, architecture, web design, typography, illustration, photography, fashion, programming, graphics, video, art, toys, traditional crafts, graffiti, set design …. anything, in fact, that we consider the inspiration and we think it will excite you too.



Vault49 is a boutique design, illustration and photography studio comes from London and is now based in New York. In 2008 their work was considered a genre in it’s own right with WGSN, and one of the 10 most influential trend of the last decade.

Read Also:- For successful online marketing what you need?

We Bleed Design


This is Bryan Katzel portfolio site. At this time, Bryan locked away in the 2nd floor of her home in Sycamore, Illinois.



Ubuntu is developed, Linux-based operating system that is perfect community for laptops, desktops and servers. It contains all the applications you need – a web browser, presentation, document and spreadsheet software, instant messaging and more.
Definitely worth considering if you are sick of people like XP / Vista!

Invader invaded Newcastle and Gateshead


There is a Space Invaders mysterious meetings around Newcastle-upon-Tyne. It is a collection of pictures Digital Marketing Company in Southampton hopefully catch all the little aliens out there. You can work where they are?

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